Torah Cycle


Wisdom in Ancient Commands – Mishpatim

Dive into the profound wisdom of Exodus 21:1-24:18, a collection of ancient laws revealed at Mount Sinai, crafted to foster a society rooted in justice and compassion. This exploration unveils the core principles of equal justice, sanctity of life, and limitations on retribution, demonstrating their timeless relevance. It encourages readers to reflect on these foundational truths and consider how they can be applied to address the complexities of modern life, inspiring the creation of communities where dignity, justice, and compassion prevail.


Honor, Shame, and Divine Reversal in the Joseph Narrative – Miketz

In the story of Joseph, a simple garment becomes a powerful symbol—first, a decorated robe marking him as his father’s favored son, then torn and bloodied as evidence of his “death,” and finally replaced by the fine linen of Egyptian royalty. These might seem like mere costume changes in a dramatic narrative to modern readers.…


Are Generational Curses Real? Understanding Onan’s Story in Vayeshev

When I first encountered Onan’s story in Genesis 38 from an ancient Near Eastern perspective, something clicked. Here was a man whose mysterious death prompted speculation and errant teaching about human sexuality. His refusal to provide an heir for his deceased brother wasn’t a sexual sin—it was about protecting his inheritance and perpetuating greed in…


Silenced Voices: Honor, Shame, and Violence in Dinah’s Tale – Vayishlach

When Dinah, the daughter of Jacob, is sexually violated by a foreign prince, her brothers respond with shocking violence – massacring an entire city of men. To modern readers, this seems like a horrifically disproportionate response to what appears to be an individual crime. But beneath this disturbing tale lies a complex web of honor,…


No More Climbing – How God Transforms Our Understanding of Sacred Space – Vayetse

When ancient peoples built towers to reach heaven, they reached up. When Jacob encountered God, he lay down. This contrast reveals something surprising about how God bridges heaven and earth: He doesn’t wait for us to climb up—He comes down. The familiar story of Jacob’s ladder isn’t just about a man’s mystical dream. It’s the…


Chosen and Rejected: The Psychological Cost of Favoritism – Toldot

The story of Jacob and Esau begins with a shocking disclaimer: Isaac loved Esau because he had a taste for wild game. But Rebekah loved Jacob. Genesis 25:28 (CSB) These parents openly favor different children. Isaac’s love for Esau depends on his ability to provide a tasty treat. Parental favoritism is a narcissistic behavior that…


The God of Heaven: A Universal Plan That Begins with a Burial Plot – Chayei Sarah

What if I told you that God’s plan for restoring the earth begins with a burial plot? Sounds small, right? But that little patch of land in Genesis 23 marks the start of something massive: God reclaiming the earth, one step at a time. This story, nestled in the Torah portion Chayei Sarah (Genesis 23:1–25:18),…


Justice on Trial: When Protecting One Leads to Harming Another – Vayera

What happens when the justice system fails you? What about when someone claims to be a pillar of righteousness but ends up hurting others? These questions aren’t just modern concerns—they’re rooted in some of the oldest stories of the Bible. God’s commissioning of Abraham to “keep the way of Yahweh by doing righteousness and justice”…


Facing the Unknown: Abraham’s Journey of Faith – Lech Lecha

Have you ever avoided a promotion or a leadership role because it felt more comfortable to stay where you were? You knew you could handle the work in your current spot. Moving forward meant facing unknowns—and who wants that when the routine feels safe? That was me. I spent years as an ICU nurse, comfortable…


Why Does God Allow Tragedy? – Noach

Why Does God Allow Tragedy? Insights from the Flood, Job, and Jesus When people read the biblical flood story, they sometimes wonder: Was it fair? Was it ethical for God to wipe out all of humanity, sparing only Noah and his family? It’s a tough question, and for good reason. The flood isn’t just a…


Power Without Conflict: The Radical Message of Genesis 1

Genesis chapters 1 and 2—it’s the story everyone thinks they know. For years, we’ve been drawn into debates over how these passages square with science, often getting caught up in the evolution vs. creation conversation. But what if Genesis has always been about something far more profound than “how” creation happened? What if, instead of…


Covenant Renewal – Dvarim

As the sun sets over the plains of Moab, the Israelites stand on the brink of a new chapter. Moses, their steadfast leader, addresses them one last time before they enter the Promised Land. This moment is more than a historical pause; it’s a profound renewal of their commitments. The Book of Deuteronomy, often seen…