Psalms 1-2: The Psalms as Torah
This is the first of the series where we will be investigating each psalm in light of the Torah, honor and shame, justice & righteousness, and analyzing the genre of each psalm and its relationship to the surrounding psalms. I would challenge each of you to read the psalms which will be covered for yourself prior to watching the teaching and reflect upon how each functions as a form of worship to YHWH. Psalms 1 & 2 form a literary unit of introduction to the Psalms and as such are extremely important for us to understand the context of the whole book of Psalms. If you are interested in further in depth introduction, please watch the introduction to the series found here: Intro to the Psalms as Torah.
How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither;
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Excellent Ryan, as usual. Thank you.
Dumb question….When the word for anointed (maschiach) is used, is it just context that differentiates between reasons for that anointing, i.e. as priest or king?
The only “dumb” question is the question that is never asked!
Yes, you must look at the context to determine whom is being anointed and the reason why they are being anointed as the act of anointing is a status-elevation ritual. That being said, generally when the Bible refers to “My anointed”, it generally is a reference to the king which YHWH has placed upon the throne.
Shalom Ryan, I think something weird is going on with the download. Last month it said I had already downloaded 5 when it had only been 4 and just now it said i have downloaded 3 and I literally only downloaded the study of Psalms lesson 1 and 2. Any help would be appreciated, just in case someone is using my account to steal your stuff. Shalom, shalom!
Hi Julie, Sorry for the issues with downloads. The system doesn’t let me reset the monthly downloads, so just send me an email to with the teachings that you aren’t able to get due to the glitch and I’ll send them to you. Shalom!
No worries! Thank you!
Shalom Ryan: I can not find the download link for the Psalms teachings.