Psalms 3-5: Psalms as Torah
WelcomeĀ toĀ the series where we will be investigating each psalm in light of the Torah, honor and shame, justice & righteousness, and analyzing the genre of each psalm and its relationship to the surrounding psalms. I would challenge each of you to read the psalms which will be covered for yourself prior to watching the teaching and reflect upon how each functions as a form of worship to YHWH. PsalmsĀ 3 - 5 are psalms of lament which have been used for thousands of years to cry out to YHWH in one's time of need. When we are suffering due to attacks, slander, and lies, it is these psalms that we can turn to as a pattern of prayer for YHWH to deliver us.
O YHWH, how my adversaries have increased! Many are rising up against me. Many are saying of my soul, āThere is no deliverance for him in God.ā Selah. But You, O YHWH, are a shield about me, My glory, and the One who lifts my head.
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Ryan, I love your Psalms teaching!!!!
Hi Ryan, Will you be posting the Psalms 3-5 for video download soon? We really enjoy all your insight and thank you for sharing all that you do! Shalom
Hi John,
I’m glad you’re enjoying them! I just fixed the wording above, I had copied and pasted the html code from the previous posting and had changed the actual download link, but forgot to update the title of the downloads to reflect the different videos. Its fixed now.
Shabbat Shalom